The 4 Budgeting Mistakes Most Married Couples Make and How to Fix them to Achieve Their Money Goals Faster

Thursday, September 5th, at 9 PM Eastern, 8 PM Central, 7 PM Mountain, 6 PM Pacific


Dan & Kay Ockey

Co-Founders - Centsei

Hi! We're Dan & Kay and we're so excited to be bringing you this free personal finance class with Tony & Alisa who created One Extraordinary Marriage!

After feeling like money and budgeting were just too difficult for years in our relationship, (can you relate?) we've finally created budgeting tools and practices that actually work, and taught them to thousands of people.

Today we're inviting you join us in a free training that will teach you how to do the same!

Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo

Founders - ONE Extraordinary Marriage

Tony & Alisa founded ONE Extraordinary Marriage to bring healing and sustaining joy back into hurting and hopeless marriages. Along with being marriage coaches, they run a podcast, and are authors of the Amazon best-seller, The 6 Pillars of Intimacy: The Secret to an Extraordinary Marriage.

After being married for over 27 years and working with thousands of clients, Tony & Alisa know that deeply rooted fears, hopes, dreams, and concerns are the sources of many financial issues in relationships.

Today, they invite you to join us to learn about the financial tools, systems, and strategies that will change your financial life!

Hi! We're Dan & Kay and we're so excited to be bringing you this free personal finance class with One Extraordinary Marriage!

After feeling like money and budgeting were just too difficult for years in our relationship, (can you relate?) we've finally created budgeting tools and practices that actually work, and taught them to thousands of people.

Today we're inviting you join us in a free training that will teach you how to do the same!


In this FREE Training we will show you...


How to address the emotions behind everything you want financially


How to know what goal to focus on and start making real progress


How to avoid having a "cheap" mentality and buy the things you love without guilt


What type of budgeting tracker to use to automate management


How to create a financial plan you both actually agree on, without sacrificing each other's dreams

We used these money techniques to...

Pay off $20,000 of debt in six months as college students

Save a 6 Month Emergency Fund in 3 Months

Max Out our Roth IRAs

Save for our Baby's Medical Expenses in Cash

Save for a Down Payment on a House

And so much more! All in a period of 3 years!

"For me, the frugal vs. cheap mentality was a game changer. I realized I was spending so much unnecessarily!

- Katie S.

"I have never been more excited about budgeting than after watching this training!"

- Kelsey P.

"Building our house right now! Couldn't have been possible without Dan & Kay helping us learn how to save money!"

- Hannah & Jacob